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Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy marks the beginning of the espionage narrative vogue of the late seventeenth century and early eighteenth century. Publication of the first volume sparked a wave of imitations, including Ned Ward’s The London Spy,…

Edition Information: 5th Edition. A satire, attributed to Samuel Garth, on the opponents of the dispensary organized by the Royal College of Physicians. With: Poems, (&c.) on several occasions : with Valentinian, a tragedy / written by the Right…

4th ed., corr., to which are added four new dialogues. Dialogues XXVI-XXVIII are "by another hand" i.e., Elizabeth Montagu.

Originally published in French under the title Voyage de l’Arabie Heureuse, La Roque’s travel narrative of his exploits in Arabia combines with a history of the coffee trade in this English translation of A Voyage to Arabia: the Happy. La…
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